by Andrew Garcia
Jul 18, 2022
3 minute read
- Identify the Triggers Behind Your Dog Peeing In the House
- Steps to Prevent Your Dog From Peeing In the House
- How To Clean Up Dog Urine?
- What Is Territorial or Urine Marking?
- Conclusion
You may have wondered why your furry pal creates a maze of wet spots and pungent smells around the house. It’s
normal that even longtime house-trained dogs may regress and relieve themselves in the house, destroying your
carpets and home. Your dog may exhibit this behavior due to various reasons. And this article will explore the
different triggers and how you can handle the situation.
Identify the Triggers Behind Your Dog Peeing In the House
Knowing the cause of your dog peeing in the house is the first step in stopping this behavior and finding a
lasting solution. Pending when you find a solution, you can take specific actions to minimize or stop the
Loss Of House Training
Completely house-trained dogs may also pee all over the house sometimes. And this happens for several reasons.
Marking Territory
Dogs mark
territory and pass the information along to other dogs by urinating. Unneutered dogs usually replicate
this behavior at home. Therefore, neutering your dog is a great way to improve the situation.
Bad Weather
Dogs usually have urinary accidents in the house during bad weather. Your dog may feel reluctant to go outside
because of the bad weather, which could be a light rain shower or a heavy thunderstorm. In addition, your dog
may not want to potty outside due to major weather changes.
Dogs experience significant anxiety. And this results from dramatic changes in the family schedule or structure
or being left alone for an extended period. Consequently, dogs respond to anxiety by soiling the house. You can
limit this behavior by addressing your dog’s anxiety and making him more comfortable.
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Cognitive Problems
Urinary accidents are common among elderly dogs with neurologic or cognitive diseases. For
example, dog dementia, also known as the canine cognitive disorder, affects senior dogs, causing restlessness
and confusion. This disorder then leads to your dog peeing inappropriately.

Puppies often exhibit “happy peeing”. Nevertheless, some adult dogs still exhibit this behavior. “Happy peeing”
results from your dog being overstimulated by his surroundings. Usually, this behavior is not chronic; it is
more of a transitory behavior. Some dogs, however, exhibit this behavior repeatedly by accident.
Steps to Prevent Your Dog From Peeing In the House
It may take a while before you figure out how to stop or manage your dog peeing in the house permanently.
Pending when you find a solution, you can do the following;
Clean Up Accidents Immediately
If you don’t get rid of the pee smell immediately, your dog may get attracted to that spot. It is best to use an
enzyme cleaner because it breaks down urine and removes the odor.
Create a Potty Schedule
You can create a potty schedule for your dog by taking your dog out often and increasing the time between breaks
slowly. If your schedule does not allow this, you can hire the services of a dog walker.
Hiring a dog walker is the best solution, especially if you think the problem is leaving your dog alone for
extended periods. You can also install a doggy door as another solution.
Offer Treats for Successful Potty Breaks
You can give your furry friend treats whenever he successfully potties outside the house. With time, you can
give treats sporadically.
Fortunately, you can stop urinary incontinence in some dogs. And in other cases, you must find a way to live
with it. Your vet has the best advice for determining what works for you and your dog.
How To Clean Up Dog Urine?
It would be best to clean up wet spots on your hardwood, linoleum flooring, or tile once you notice wet spots.
You can use rags, paper towels, or old bath towels to clean up the mess. Afterward, throw away the paper towels
and wash the rags.
If cleaning a carpet accident blot, avoid scrubbing or wiping the area. Wiping or scrubbing rubs the urine
deeper into the carpet, causing an even bigger mess. It is best to continue mopping the stained area with paper
towels till they no longer turn yellow. It is important to note that carpets have padding that can soak urine.
Therefore, ensure you reach the padding while pressing down and absorbing the urine with the paper towel.

If there is no yellow stain on your paper towels, you can use plain room temperature water. Pour the water over
the spot and keep blotting it. The water dilutes the remaining urine after you have cleaned it up. It is ideal
to repeat the process and mop it at least three times or till you don’t see any more yellow stains on the paper
What Is Territorial or Urine Marking?
You can see urine markings along furniture, walls, or objects you recently brought into the house. For example,
if your dog pees on a new pair of shoes or attempts peeing where another cat or dog has been, he is marking his
Your dog may be marking territory for several
reasons. Animals mark territories in the wild, sending a message to other animals within the vicinity that they
have been there. The message may be, “keep out!”, “this is mine!” or “I challenge you!”
This behavior is similar in pets. For example, two adult dogs may be vying for territory, or they may relieve
anxiety by marking an area as theirs. Your pet may also mark territory to add his scent and include new objects.
Regardless of why your dog is peeing in the house, it is a messy problem that can be pretty difficult to fix.
Peeing in the house is not all that uncommon in dogs. Nevertheless, it is still frustrating. Punishing your dog
is futile because they cannot reconcile their past actions with in-the-moment punishment. You can curb the
problem through positive reinforcement, talking to your vet, and paying attention to the changes in your dog’s
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