by Andrew Garcia
Nov 07, 2022
2 minute read
- Get Social Activities Without Your Phone
- Promotes Activity
- Reduce Your Risk of Disease
- Controls Your Blood-Sugar Levels
- Improves Your Mental Health
- Training and Exploration
Exercising regularly is not only good for your dog's health but also yours.
Moreover, it is fun! You can spend a lot of quality and enjoyable time with your best buddy. Your furry friend is
always excited and wagging his tail to motivate you on your walks.
The time you need to exercise with your dog daily is not set in stone. The time
varies with your dog's age and breed. Nevertheless, the time should be between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Toy breeds
will be on the lower end, while larger breeds like shepherds and retrievers need more activity time.
Get Social Activities Without Your Phone
A study shows that people walking dogs are perceived to be approachable,
friendlier, and likely to greet others and also acknowledge the greeting. Walking your dog can help break
uncomfortable social barriers while encouraging you to meet others in your community or neighborhood.
Going for a walk is also beneficial to your dog. Walks expose your dog to other
people, animals, and objects. Your dog also gets an opportunity to learn appropriate social behaviors. Regular
walks, especially when started at a young age, encourage your dogs to develop proper etiquette and social manners.

Promotes Activity
A pet can help increase your social activity. For example, studies show that dog
owners walk for about 22 minutes more each day. Therefore, they are more likely to get the recommended amount of
exercise. An excellent way to reduce stress while exercising is to take your dog on a walk. Benefits of Walking
include weight loss, insomnia relief, and improved circulation. Fortunately, you can take your dog on a walk to
several places, including a dog park, your neighborhood, or in nature. You can also go on a hike or nature walk.
If you are a new pet parent, click to learn more about how to leash
train a
Reduce Your Risk of Disease
Walking your dog helps reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, and your chances of
developing type 2 diabetes. In addition, having a furry friend reduces your chances of being obese. Pet parents are
less likely to visit the doctor for heart medications or sleeping pills than people without pets.
Controls Your Blood-Sugar Levels
Regular walks boost your insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels. In
addition, simple, low-impact walking can control your blood sugar levels for up to 24 hours after the exercise. But,
of course, the best way to reap the benefits of walking is to actually walk.
Improves Your Mental Health
Having a pet can boost
your mental health. Pets provide unconditional love and
non-judgmental companionship. In addition, a dog walk helps you take advantage of being outdoors while practicing
mindfulness. Furthermore, walks strengthen the bond between you and your furry pal.

Although you may not realize it, a dog walk boosts your dog's mental health as
well. Walking in new, unexplored areas constructively tasks your pooch with processing different sights, sounds, and
smells. This task is mentally stimulating and great for development.
Training and Exploration
You can also train your dog during a walk. Even if your dog has mastered basic
commands at home, the sights, sounds, and smells of a new environment may distract him from listening to you. A walk
helps you regularly test and build your pet's skills, even with surrounding distractions.
If you want to make your walks more enriching, stop and smell flowers. Although
you may find your dog's habit of pausing to sniff trees, strangers, or lampposts annoying, this habit is an exciting
way to explore the world beyond your home. Moreover, sniffing is mentally stimulating for dogs. So, don't rush when
you are on a walk with your furry pal. Instead, slow down, take deep breaths and enjoy the experience.
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