by Andrew Garcia
Jun 22, 2022
4 minute read
- Why Do Dogs Get Lost?
- What Can You Do to Prevent Your Dog from Getting Lost?
- How Do You Train Your Dog to Avoid Getting Lost?
- How Do You Retrieve a Lost Pet?
- PAWAii Digital Pet ID Tag
- Conclusion
No pet parent would want to experience the loss of their loved ones. But even if you are one of the safest
parents out there, you are not completely immune to the risk of losing your dog. That is why we recommend having
a checklist to keep your best buddy close and safe.
Why Do Dogs Get Lost?
There are many reasons behind lost dogs. For instance, if a dog ends up in new surroundings with unfamiliar
people, it may get lost. Startled dogs are also at the risk of getting lost. If your dog backs out of a collar
or you leave the door unlocked, it may walk out and wander around. If another dog attacks a dog or they chase a
critter too far, it may get lost. Dogs who tend to run more often are also at the risk of getting lost.
What Can You Do to Prevent Your Dog from Getting Lost?
The following tips can help you keep your dog close and safe at all times:
Wear an ID Tag on the Collar
The chances of your dog being returned are higher if it has an ID tag on, especially tags with updated
information about its owner.

Secure the Yard
You can adopt wood fences or chain links to secure the area and prevent your dog from wandering around. The
former is more effective because they are not easy to jump over. If holes exist in your fencing, fill the gaps
to ensure proper security.
Always Keep an Eye on Your Dog
Leaving your dog unsupervised or unattended even for a minute can be costly. If necessary, tie it up until you
are out of the store or ask someone to watch him for you.
Micro-chipping Can Be Effective
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) estimates that 7.6 million companion
animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. That is why you should microchip your dog - it is a
failsafe way to prevent your pet from going missing. The chip lets you track its location and get to them if
they get lost.
How Do You Train Your Dog to Avoid Getting Lost?
One of the ways to prevent your pet from getting lost is to train them appropriately. A trained pup can easily
understand you. The training process strengthens your bond and stimulates your dog mentally. Here are four
commands that help in this case;
Recalling Your Dog
You cannot always keep your dog on a leash. So, when he is not on a leash, you must be able to call him back.
This requires a strong connection with your puppy friend.
Ignoring Distractions
A distracted dog is more likely to get lost. That is why you should train your dog not to get swayed by flying
birds, strange smells and sounds, cars, or children playing when he is outside. You do this by competing for his
attention at all times. It works, but you must be patient and ready to do the work.
Click here to learn about why your dog is easily distracted.
Sit and Stay Orders
This training helps your dog to learn how to focus on you. Start with teaching
him how to obey the “sit” order, followed by practicing how to stay in one position. This will come in handy
when you are out of sight for a moment without worrying if your dog is there or not.

Hand Gestures
Hand gestures can be a very valuable means of communication when outside,
especially when it is noisy and your dog struggles to hear your voice. However, do not teach your dog hand
gestures until he has mastered the verbal command.
How Do You Retrieve a Lost Pet?
No one wants their pets to go missing. But it is always helpful to have a plan
if this unfortunate situation happens. The first thing is always to have the current pictures of your dog close
to you - that is how you show people who you are looking for.
Ready-made Flyers
In addition to the pictures, it is also advisable to have ready-made flyers on
your computer, which you can print if your pet goes missing. The flyer should contain your pet’s name,
appearance and color, as well as his breed and any other information that can be useful to identify them. Print
these flyers and spread them around your neighborhood, especially in windows of local businesses in the area.
Incentive Reward
To serve as an incentive, you may offer a reward to anyone who has useful information about your lost pet. If
the finder refuses the reward, feel free to send it to a local animal shelter as a donation.
Animal Shelters and Vet Offices
Asides from spreading the posters, you should also get in touch with animal shelters and vet offices around your
area. It is common for people to take wandering pets to these places. If you call and the answer is negative,
make sure to drop your contact info with them so they can reach you if anything changes.
Social Media Platforms
The last option on the list is social media. Most communities have dedicated groups and pages on social media
where you can post such information and get the news across to several people around your area who might not get
your flyers.
PAWAii Digital Pet ID Tag
This digital ID tag for pets makes it easy to find your pets if they ever get lost. You can modify the tag and
add relevant information, including the contact of the owner, pet information, habits, allergy history, and
others. This information makes it easier for finders to take care of the dogs until they can go back to their
Digital Pet ID Tag
Easy to Operate
You can complete the registration process in three minutes without a subscription or an app. It is a free
product that is seamless to use. Your pet will thank you for this.
Safe and Silent
Made from 100% food-grade silicone, this product is entirely safe for your pets, even if they lick it. In
addition, it is silent even on collision when your dog is running or walking fast.
Durable and Bites-resistant
The anti-tensile and anti-bite ingredients adopted in manufacturing this product
make it very durable. Its surface is coated with clear oil, which means it is even more wear-resistant than the
basic silicone material.
The thoughts of losing your pet can be unsettling. No matter how brief it is,
being separated from a loved one is not something anyone should experience. That is why you should be proactive
in keeping your pets close and safe. Implement the guidelines in this article, and never worry about your pet
getting lost.
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