by Alexander Thompson
Nov 17, 2022
2 minute read
- Introduction to Elevated Cat Bowls
- Elevated Bowls Enhance Hygiene
- Elevated Feeding Bowls Prevent Back Pain
- Elevated Cat Bowls Improve Digestion
- Final Thoughts
Cats are known for being choosy about what they eat. However, your cat’s
willingness to eat might depend on how and what you feed her every day. Choosing the best food bowl can be
tricky, considering the endless options available in the market. One of these options is an elevated cat feeder,
which becomes much more popular in recent days. Unlike traditional cat food bowls designed to sit flat on the
ground, the elevated cat bowls sit up, adopting an elevated position to make your furry ball eat in a
comfortable manner.
Introduction to Elevated Cat Bowls
Elevated pet bowls were originally made for dogs , but more cat owners are considering them for their feline
pals. Elevated or ant-vomit bowls are designed to help your furry friend maintain a natural neck position while
feeding. This aids natural digestion and protects your feline from issues arising from improper digestion.
Elevated Bowls Enhance Hygiene
The bowl in a raised position prevents your cats from sitting in the bowl or
pushing it around the place. Spillage is minimized, and only minimal moisture gets under the dishes. Therefore,
there is no breeding ground for bacteria and mold. In this way, your cat can enjoy her meal in a healthier way.

Furthermore, elevated food bowls are designed to stay put while your pet feeds
conveniently. The additional height also ensures that dirt, fur, and dust particles do not find their way into
your pet’s meal and water. Note that this doesn’t eliminate the need to replace your cat’s water daily, but the
water will stay cleaner throughout the day.
Elevated Feeding Bowls Prevent Back Pain
Most owners who feed their dogs using elevated bowls have reported reduced back
pain in their pups. Interestingly, the same can be extended to cats. When cats eat from an elevated surface,
they can stay upright rather than bend in the case of low-height bowls. That way, your cat avoids back problems
as well as arthritis and similar joint issues. This is especially friendly for senior cats. So, if you have an
elder cat, investing in a PAWAii Ceramic Raised
Cat Bowl can be a wise choice.

Elevated Cat Bowls Improve Digestion
Indigestion is common in cats, and the positioning of their feeding bowls often
causes this. Indigestion occurs in different forms - in humans, it comes in the form of discomfort in the
stomach, a burning sensation, or aching. Although cats are not advanced enough to communicate problems in their
stomach, vets have often assumed they feel the same way.
In addition to the internal pain, cats experiencing indigestion may also show
physical symptoms like bloating and nausea. You may also notice a drop in their appetite or an unusual increase
in the amount of food they consume.
If you have a dog as well, click to learn more about Why Should You
PAWAii Magic Dog Bowls.

The height of the feeding bowls can trigger indigestion in cats. A cat's stomach
tends to be more compressed when eating from the floor height. Therefore, they tend to get full quickly, putting
them at risk of indigestion. Cats feeding in this position are also more likely to swallow air while eating,
causing bloating and much inconvenience.
Final Thoughts
Most cats crouch when feeding so that they are closer to the ground. However,
your cat can eat better when the feeding bowl is a bit elevated and subsequently closer to her mouth. Cats that
leave a lot of mess around their bowls or show signs of anxiousness when feeding can benefit greatly from this
new and improved way of feeding. It will most likely make your cat happier and look forward to her meal times.
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